Join a Group

This is likely not a complete list of Safe Tech and EMF-awareness groups in Canada, but it is the best we can provide : ).

Canada Wide


Appel 5G Appeal

This bilingual site is home to the Suspend 5G Canada Appeal developed collaboratively by 8 organizations from across Canada. It features Action ideas and updates on the 5G movement in Canada.

C4ST – Canadians For Safe Technology
Canadians For Safe Technology is a not-for-profit, volunteer-based coalition of parents, citizens and experts whose mission is to educate and inform Canadians and their policy makers about the dangers of the exposures to unsafe levels of radiation from technology and to work with all levels of government to create healthier communities for children and families.

Connected Communities

An informative site designed to support Canadians in building safe, fast and green community owned fiber optic networks as an alternative to wireless 5G.

Electromagnetic Pollution Illnesses Canada Foundation
Topics explored include pollution sources, reducing your electromagnetic footprint, e-hygiene, steps you can do to reduce electromagnet emission and exposure, symptoms, illnesses, what you can do, the road to recovery, prevention, helping others.

Planetary Association for Clean Energy, Inc.
A non-profit, charitable corporation whose objects are to facilitate the discovery, research, development, demonstration and evaluation of clean energy systems.

A resource page for organizations across Canada who are working to create public awareness about the risks of 5G.  The site is also a collection of important information on the risks 5G and EMF.

Stop 5G International-Canada
Our mission is to support the global effort to stop 5G because it poses an immediate threat to life on earth. We rely on evidence-based information and non-violent actions in keeping with the vision of Stop 5G International.

The Canadian Initiative to Stop Wireless, Electric, and Electromagnetic Pollution (WEEP)
Our health and economies are at risk from these forms of pollution: Wireless emissions (WLAN, cell/wireless phones, cell and radio towers); Electromagnetic fields (computers, engines, inferior wiring, power lines); Ground current and “dirty electricity”.

The Electrosensitive Society

This organization is dedicated to helping people who have electro-hyper-sensitivity (EHS).



Canadians Unite

C4ST – Canadians For Safe Technology

Citizens for Safe Technology

Stop 5G in Canada

Stop 5G in Canada Now!!!





Alberta Smart Meters
Posts and Videos.

Calgary 5G Awareness
This is a Calgary based group with the mission to raise awareness on wireless radiation and its effects on our health and our environment.



Albertans For Safe Technology


5G-Calgary Under Attack

5G – Edmonton Under Attack

SMART Okotoks –Smart Meter Awareness Resource Team


Atlantic Canada



Atlantic Canada 4 Safe Technology – No 5G



British Columbia


Coalition to Stop Smart Meters in BC
Posts and articles on smart meters, cell towers, smart phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation.

EMR Health Alliance of BC
Posts and articles on electromagnetic radiation in western Canada.  Topics explored include wireless devices, networks, short and long-term health effects, Wi-Fi, smart meters, cell phones, power-lines, and more.

Parents for Safe Schools
Articles, posts and petitions on creating Wi-Fi-free schools.

Safe in School
Doctors and scientists around the world have warned against unnecessary exposure of children to RF/microwave from wireless technology and recommend safer WIRED internet connections instead, both in school and at home. We are parents who fully support the use of computers and the incorporation of technology in education, and we believe that it must be implemented in a SAFE manner.

Stop Smart Meters Bowen
We are a quickly-growing group of Bowen Island residents concerned with the impending installation of wireless smart meters on our properties. The email list is a means of sharing information related to our efforts to prevent installation of the meters.


BC and Canadian Wireless-Free Living

Safe Technology Vancouver

Say No to BC Hydro Smart Meter’s

Say No to Fortis BC Smart Meters – Similkameen

Stop Smart Meters BC Salt Spring Island

Stop 5G in BC!!

Vancouver EMF Awareness


5G Winnipeg Awareness   A not-for-profit, non-partisan group of Winnipeg residents who educate on the safer use of wireless technologies.

ElectroSmog Manitoba – (Incomplete Site)

Environmental Health Association of Manitoba

Promoting education and information on environmental sensitivities and environmentally induced illnesses to the public, educational institutions and medical community in Manitoba. Providing information and support to individuals in Manitoba suffering from environmental sensitivities and environmentally induced illnesses.


5G Winnipeg Awareness

New Brunswick

No information is available on groups in this region.

Newfoundland and Labrador

No information is available on groups in this region.

Nova Scotia


No Smart Meters in Nova Scotia
Learn about the costs and health risks caused by smart meters.

Transition Wolfville Area
Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. It is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges we face by starting local. By coming together, we are able to crowd-source solutions. We seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups and as wider communities.

Say No To 5G
This site is a expansive collection of important information on the risks of 5G and EMF.  It is also a resource page for organizations across Canada who are working to create public awareness about the risks of 5G.


No Smart Meters In Nova Scotia



Eastern Ontario 4 Safe Technology

Features handouts, videos, and articles on 5G. As there is no contact info on the site, the best way to network may be through their Facebook Page listed below.

Kingstonians for Safe Technology
We are a group of citizens advocating for safe, reliable, and responsible technology. We are concerned about the growing body of scientific research showing adverse health effects from exposures to wireless technologies. K4ST is one of 24 organizations across Canada that are banding together and appealing to the Trudeau government for a national moratorium on the 5G rollout until questions about the human health effects are resolved. 

Ontario 4 Safe Technology
Posts and articles supporting the appeal to suspend the rollout of 5G.


Cornwall and Area for Safe Technology

Eastern Ontario 4 Safe Technology

Kingstonians for Safe technology

Torontonians 4 Safe Technology

Prince Edward Island



PEI’s Smart Meter Opposition Group –  Contact – 902-566-2857








Stoppons la5G –

Le comité organisateur de la campagne Stoppons la 5G – Vivons sans danG a défini quelques revendications jusqu’ici lors de la préparation du Questionnaire qui a été soumis le 26 septembre 2019 aux principaux partis politiques engagés dans la campagne électorale fédérale.

Coalition Québécoise de lutte contre la pollution électromagnétique
Cette coalition a pour but de mobiliser le plus de gens possible afin de lutter contre toutes les formes de pollution électromagnétique.


Rassemblement Électrosensibilité Québec RESQ

Le RESQ est un organisme à but non lucratif ayant pour mission de représenter et défendre les droits des électrosensibles de même que d’informer sur les impacts biologiques induits par les rayonnements électromagnétiques.

STOP 5G Montreal

STOP 5G Magog-Sherbrooke

STOP 5G Repentigny

STOP 5G Rimouski

Stoppons la 5G




Smart Meter Awareness Coalition – (Contact) – 306-972-1495




Northwest Territories

No information is available on groups in this region.


No information is available on groups in this region.


No information is available on groups in this region.