Presentation Tips

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How To Give an Awesome Presentation

With Gratitude to this amazing article by Chris Anderson, curator of TED. 

Humans are wired to listen to stories. A compelling presentation takes an audience on a journey. A successful talk is a little miracle—people see the world differently when it is done.

1. Frame Your Story

Find the Perfect Mix of Data and Narrative

If you frame your talk as a journey, the biggest decisions are figuring out where to start and where to end.

To find the right place to start, consider what people in the audience already know about microcells, 5G and electromagnetic radiation—and how much they care about it. If you assume they have more knowledge or interest than they do, or if you start using jargon or get too technical, you’ll lose them. The most engaging speakers do a superb job of very quickly introducing the topic, explaining why they care so deeply about it, and convincing the audience members that they should, too.

Stories help us to pay attention and remember things. It is a good idea to start with a story, but you need your presentation to act like a story too.

To do this, focus on:

  1. Characters – Who is directly affected by this issue? Use them as the focal point of your story 
  2. A Changing Dynamic – Ask yourself “What is not as it should be?” and answer with what you are going to do about it. Some examples of things that “are not as they should be” with this issue:
  • We have no say. Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) has a loophole in CPC-2-0-03 that allows microcells to be placed on existing structures right by our homes, even if we do not want them there. 
  • Local governments say that because telecommunications fall under federal jurisdiction in Canada they are powerless. Yet Councils could refuse to sign the permits that allow microcells and 5G on our streets.
  • The Canadian government is making billions from selling our airwaves for 5G. They are compromising our security, privacy, and environment, yet there is no scientific evidence to support any claim of safety for long term exposure.
  • The way Health Canada measures emission levels is misleading and Health Canada is ignoring the proven non-thermal, harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation. As a result, we are inadequately protected by their antiquated Safety Code 6.

2. Plan Your Delivery

Once you’ve got the framing down, it’s time to focus on your delivery.

There are three main ways to deliver a talk:

  1. You can read it directly off a script.
  2. You can develop a set of bullet points that map out what you’re going to say in each section rather than scripting the whole thing word for word.
  3. Or you can memorize your talk, which entails rehearsing it to the point where you internalize every word—verbatim.

3. Develop Stage Presence

  • Begin with a Deep Breath. A full, diaphragmatic breath will soothe your nervous system and calm your mind.
  • Build Rapport. Smiling and making eye contact helps your audience connect with you and your subject
  • Use Your Voice Effectively. Vary the speed at which you talk and emphasize changes in pitch and tone to make your voice more interesting and hold your audience’s attention.
  • Your Body Also Talks. Body language to avoid includes crossed arms, hands held behind your back or in your pockets, and pacing the stage or moving too much. Make your gestures open and confident, and move naturally.
  • Relax and do your best to Enjoy this moment of being in the spotlight.

4. Plan the Multimedia

If you use PowerPoint, keep it simple. Don’t use a slide as a substitute for notes and don’t repeat words that are on the slides.

Follow the 10-20-30 Rule.

Slideshows should:

  • Contain no more than 10 slides;
  • Last no more than 20 minutes; and
  • Use a font size of no less than 30 point.

Ready to wow them? Find Good-To-Go Presentation Templates, Slideshows & Guides HERE