Regulatory Corruption

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Documents to Read or Download:

1. 2021 Flyer C4ST

This flyer is a referenced overview of Canadians for Safe Technology’s report, C4ST Fact-checks Government of Canada Webpages Regarding Health Risks and Wireless Technologies, including 5G.”

Currently, the Government of Canada provides assurances that exposures to radiofrequency (RF) energy (=radiation) from 5G technologies and from everyday wireless devices such as cell phones and cell tower antennas are safe. Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST) has fact-checked some of these statements and found them to be inaccurate and misleading to the point of being “misinformation.”


A look at reported lobbyist communications from February 2020  to February 2021 between Canada’s big telecom companies and government officials through the publicly searchable lobbying registry reveals that big telecom lobbies Ottawa twice a day.

3. C4ST Fact-checks the Government of Canada’s Websites

Currently, the Government of Canada provides assurances on its webpages that exposures to radiofrequency (RF) energy (=radiation) from 5G technologies and from everyday wireless devices such as cell phones and cell tower antennas are safe.

In this document, Canadians for Safe Technology (C4ST) fact‐checks some of these statements and finds them to be inaccurate and misleading to the point of being “misinformation.”

4. Captured Agency: How the Federal Communications Commission is Dominated by the Industries it Presumably Regulates, by investigative journalist Norm Alster in collaboration with the Harvard Centre for Ethics| 2015

It is these hardball tactics that recall 20th century Big Tobacco tactics. It is these tactics that heighten suspicion that the wireless industry does indeed have a dirty secret. “

5. How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe

A 2018 Special Investigation by Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie of The Nation that uncovers the disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout.

6. World Health Organization: setting the standard for a wireless world of harm, Olga Sheean | Jan 2017

“The World Health Organization should be the ultimate authority on health-related matters. Nations and institutions look to you for guidance…but you have failed to live up to your mandate. You claim to be promoting health yet, with regard to EMFs, you are promoting harm.”