5G Resolution for Canada

5G Resolution for Canada

There are two 5G Resolutions for Canada linked to from this page.

1. The 5G Resolution for Canada, which can be downloaded by clicking on the turquoise link at the top of this page has been used by Safe Tech activists in towns like Easton, Connecticut to get local leaders to place a moratorium on the rollout of 5G.

2. The second, the Model 5G Resolution for Canada is based on the Suspend 5G Appeal launched by CALM and other organizations across Canada in May 2020. It is a comprehensive resolution that local governments can adapt, adopt and send to the federal government to ask for a revamping of federal policies that do not offer Canadians choice about wireless exposures or protect us from 5G-related harm.

Download that Resolution Here.


While a resolution is not a legally binding document it is important for your community to adopt one. Why?

1. It encourages neighboring communities, the province, and the federal government to take action and address 5G issues raised by residents.

2. It generates media attention and increases local awareness of 5G risks.

3. It legitimizes the science-based health problems associated with exposure to wireless radiation and the greater 5G rollout.


Both of these resolutions are editable Microsoft word documents.

To Use them – simply replace the text in red and present it to your community representatives.

For greatest success, make it a part of an educational campaign that includes mass letter writing, phone calls, personal meetings with elected representatives, a community info session or presentation, and attendance at Local Town Halls.

Find the tools you need to launch your local campaign in our Information Kit for Councils. and on this web page: Tools for Local Governments.