1. Creating a Proactive Antenna Siting Protocol & Small Cell Licensing Agreement
Designed for local governments, this document contains an overview and specific content suggestions for creating proactive and precautionary antenna siting protocols and small cell licensing agreements. For an editable Word version of this document Click Here.
2. Checklist for Antenna Siting Protocols
This document:
- Provides your local government officials with a comprehensive overview of what they should be looking to include in your town/village/city’s Antenna Siting Protocol to better control the local 5G rollout.
- Will spark important conversations with your local legislators about how to more effectively safeguard residents from 5G antenna installations.
3. Antenna System Siting Protocol Template – FCM & CWTA
This Antenna Siting Protocol template was developed by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA).
All members of CWTA have agreed to adhere to it, although not all Canadian telecoms are CWTA members. Use this template as a base for building your own local Antenna Siting Protocol but be sure to include the content in the documents above to make your policy relevant to microcells and 5G and as protective as federal regulations currently allow.
4. Salt Spring Cellular Antennae Proposal Form
Salt Spring’s antenna siting policy features radiation protection standards that are several times more protective than Health Canada’s.
5. Toronto’s Prudent Avoidance Policy on Siting Telecommunication Towers and Antennas
Toronto’s policy that features radiation protection standards that are several times more protective than Health Canada’s.